Doom II - The Celestial Cyst
Custom Map

The Celestial Cyst Breakdown

A custom Doom map I made over a couple months.

Some context,

  • This map was inspired by the aesthetic of Scorn. I wanted it to feel like you were crawling through the insides of an organic space base, so it’s more linear than I would make a Doom map if I was trying to match the design style of the original release. 

  • I also wanted it to feel like a very early level in a custom map pack. so the progression in which guns and enemies are introduced reflects that, but it has still been made with Doom players in mind, so new enemy types aren’t introduced entirely like the unique spectacles they would have been in the original shareware release of Doom.

  • It’s made for a source port called GZ Doom and certain design choices I’ve made don’t make sense in Vanilla doom. For example in GZ Doom you are able to freely move under flying enemies whereas in vanilla doom this is impossible.

  • A separate section about the secrets throughout the map will be included at the end.

If you would like to play the map:

Breakdown Video!

Here is a full video breakdown of all of my design decisions throughout the level.

Full Playthrough Below

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