Hurtworld - Noob Zone Towns

These two levels were created for the immediate start zone as part of the Town Event System for Hurtworld.

The Town Event System involved a randomly selected “town” anywhere within the map being selected to run either an event where players had to capture and hold a point or an event where loot boxes would spawn at various locations within that town for a period of time.

These two levels were specifically created for the starting zone, where players have very little gear and weapons. Late game players often dominated Town Events due to having stronger gear, so I wanted to design a handful of levels where there was an even playing field so long as you had the movement skill.

The movement and early game weapons in Hurtworld had a reasonably high skill ceiling. I wanted these levels to have a lot of choice in routes to take, multiple stories, small passages, and anything else to keep highly geared players guessing. Players with good movement skills can bypass certain areas using ramps to build up speed and bunny hop across gaps, failing these jumps however, will result in a severe loss of health or death, due to the fall height.

“Hurtworld is an indie multiplayer survival FPS that was developed in Melbourne, Australia by a small team and has now sold over a million copies on Steam alone”

Level 1

  • This town was built with the new “Loot Hunt” event in mind. Loot boxes spawn at specified locations randomly for a period of time.

  • With lots of intertwining routes and paths that allow for height changes, players with good movement can weave in and out of the areas with ease, making aiming and tracking these players difficult.

  • A Capture Point resides on the top floor of the tallest building for an event where players have to hold a point for a period of time and will be rewarded with loot. This creates a scenario where two teams fight each other from opposing buildings, while the attacking team players attempt to scale the capture point building and overrun the defenders.


Grey Boxing

Level 2

  • A cliff-side/tree-house style level. Movement skills that are high risk, high reward, intertwining routes, height changes and a capture point that requires good map knowledge to hold.

  • The levels openness allows players easy line of sight to each other but has an abundance of tunnel-like rooms and height changes, requiring players to have good knowledge of the maps intricacies to keep track of enemy players moving through it.


Grey Boxing


Prodeus - Custom Map


Hurtworld - Town Events